

Strawberry Raw Cake 



在草莓季節裡有誰能對鮮紅欲滴的草莓說不呢?當然沒有,所以我也不例外囉!!! 超愛草莓來作蛋糕了,不僅僅是因為她的滋味和美麗的外表,她心型的外觀讓人聯想到愛心,好像造物主特別的造化,提醒我們處處都是他的愛,然後送給我們一種愛心型狀的水果,任何一種甜點只要放上草莓就馬上變得很漂亮美觀又有造型,很神奇!!草莓的味道沒有太酸也不會太甜,配上甜點真的很適合˙,難怪所有的烘培人都很喜歡用她~~


No one could say no to strawberry in the strawberry season, I love strawberry so much not only because it tastes good but also the very beautiful outlook for decoration on the cake or other desserts. Strawberry appearance like a heart shape seems reminds us the love everywhere, even creature God design a love heart shape fruit to send us to eat, that’s amazing! Whatever your cake looks like just put on strawberry than the cake immediately turn to shiny and beautiful, that is really strawberry magic. The strawberry taste not to sour not too sweet is very suitable to combine with other sweet to take in. that’s why it is so welcome to all baker.  




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